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Mainpage | Pete & Bridgette


The newlywedsPete Sampras on being married...

"It's not until you're married that you feel - when you're together and engaged, it's nice, but there is still a question. But when you're married, you know this is forever. It's official, I know I'm with the person I'll spend my life with. It's the start of the next chapter in my life.

"I know my life will be a little different, but being married is something I've always wanted. And I know I got this right."

(Pete and Bridgette became proud parents of baby Christian Charles on November 21, 2002.)

<More on Pete and Bridgette>

The Samprases Support the Breast Cancer Cause

Pete and Bridgette join other celebrities in an ad campaign by Ford Motors for breast cancer awareness. The couple, as with the other celebrities, are shown wearing a limited edition red scarf designed by Kate Spade. The proceeds from the sale of the scarf will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Visit the Ford website for more information.

Playing doubles clearly suits the Samprases. But being young and in love
doesn't cloud their vision about breast cancer. It keeps them more focused
than ever on the important things, like early detection. "Couples should
think of themselves as a team. I always encourage Bridgette to get
checked." Still, Bridgette remains her own first line of defense. "Too often,
people our age think they're invincible. They underestimate the importance
of self-exams. You need to be in tune with your body so you know when
something isn't right and you pay attention to it."


Pete Swings with the Cincinnati Reds

August 7, 2000 - Wimbledon champion Pete Sampras traded his high-tech racquet for some old-fashioned wood Monday, taking a brief round of batting practice with the Cincinnati Reds. <more>

Pete on The Simpsons

A special episode of The Simpsons featuring Pete, The Williams sisters and Agassi was aired on Fox on February 11, 2001. <more>

        Pete's Charities     

In March 2000, Pete Sampras hosted the "Pete Sampras Classic" golf event for the benefit of the Tim & Tom Gullikson Foundation, where he serves as a board member.

Tim was Pete's previous coach who died of brain cancer in 1996. When Tim was first diagnosed with cancer early in 1995, he and his family established the foundation to assist patients and their families cope with the illness.

The event attracted about 30 Hollywood, sports and media celebrities and raised over US$ 90,000 for the foundation.

In 1997, Pete started the Aces for Charity. For every ace he serve, Pete donated US$ 100. In 1999, he has doubled this amount. Through his personal contribution and the support of sponsors, he was able to raise nearly US$ 1 million in three years.

Pete has also contributed to the following charities

  • The Kid's Stuff Foundation
  • The Vitus Gerulaitis Youth Foundation
  • Revlon/UCLA Breast Center
  • Avon Breast Health Access Fund
  • American Cancer Society (member of the Public Awareness Board)
  • United Cerebral Palsy
  • The Silver Lining Ranch
  • Elton John's Aids Foundation
  • Arthur Ashe Foundation for the Defeat of Aids
  • Children's Make a Wish Foundation
  • Bill Johnson Tennis Foundation (Philadephia)

Information obtained from Pete's official Site and the Newsweek Champions Cup website and the 2000 ATP media guide.

     Pete is GQ Man of the Year

Pete was named the GQ Man of the Year - Individual Athlete category. According to GQ, this award is given to outstanding men to celebrate not only their EXCEPTIONAL accomplishment but also the GRACE, ELEGANCE and EXCELLENCE in which they have been achieved. Descriptions that fits Pete to the T!

     Pete in the Kitchen     

When Michael Chang was asked about Pete's weakness, his reply was, "He doesn't cook well."

Guess what? Pete donned the apron and shared his favorite pasta recipe "Penne a la Pomadora"

     Pete and his Porsche      

When asked by the Tennis Match Magazine "What is your most prized possession?" Pete replied, "My Porsche. I love to drive it. It's a great feeling. Not like winning Wimbledon, but still a great feeling."

Here's a caricature of Pete driving.

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