Statue Petition

Petition for a Pete Sampras Statue

To All Pete Sampras Fans,

Pete Sampras, winner of 14 Grand Slams is a tennis legend who needs to be remembered not only by his tennis fans worldwide, but by all who attend the U.S. Open and all who see the Grand Slam on television. For this reason, we believe that a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open would be a wonderful way of giving recognition to his great tennis.

Please sign our petition to send to the USTA asking them to erect a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open in New York in recognition of his many years of great tennis.

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Ted Zajac |
Pete Sampras deserves to be honored for his dedication, self-sacrifice and determination in his quest for tennis history. He is a class act and wonderful role model for the aspiring tennis youth of today. What better way to do this than to erect a statue of Pete at the U. S. Open in New York. He will always be number one in my book.
12 April 2008 - Fairport, New York
Nicole Dubois
Pete made his country so proud he deserves to be rewarded accordingly.He was a joy to watch and I miss his playing! so much
12 April 2008 - Boisbriand,Qué.,Canada
Francine Dion
I simply love Pete as a person, as a tennis player, as an athlete ,as a role model! Please give back the best to him as he so generously gave to us his best for so many exceptional years
12 April 2008 - Repentigny, Qué, Canada
Louise Dazé
There is no one else like Pete. He made me love tennis so much, I would pass on my sleep not to miss him wherever he played. Please give the best player a high recognition!
12 April 2008 - Saint-Denis-de-Brompton,Quebec,Canada
Guy Stubbe
Pete deserves the highest recognition in his country for all he brought to the tennis world.
12 April 2008 - Belgium
Argel Faulmino |
As the world's holder of the most grand slam titles, not to mention that he is an American, Pete Sampras deserves to have a statue of himself at the US Open Flushing Meadows. This will serve as an inspiration to all the young people interested in the sport of tennis.
12 April 2008 - Vancouver, BC , Canada
Aniko Kuzsner |
Pete is the most fantastic tennis player ever lived in the world. His game made me love tennis so much.
12 April 2008 - UK
I love pete and snacks
12 April 2008 - Philo, il
Derilynn May Behm
Pete is my hero, I want to visit a place where there is a statue of Pete
12 April 2008 - philo , IL
Xavier |
Sampras, by his stunning game, his records, and his humble personnality, is the best player ever. If someone deserves such recognition, it's definitely him.

A statue of Pete at his national Grand Slam stadium would be so appropriate. Please make this happen.
12 April 2008 - Paris

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