Statue Petition

Petition for a Pete Sampras Statue

To All Pete Sampras Fans,

Pete Sampras, winner of 14 Grand Slams is a tennis legend who needs to be remembered not only by his tennis fans worldwide, but by all who attend the U.S. Open and all who see the Grand Slam on television. For this reason, we believe that a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open would be a wonderful way of giving recognition to his great tennis.

Please sign our petition to send to the USTA asking them to erect a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open in New York in recognition of his many years of great tennis.

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Simply the Greatest Tennis Player Ever! Give him a statue it is the best idea!
13 August 2008 - Poland
Patricia Williamson |
I'm asking that you consider erecting a statue of Pete Sampras at the U.S. Open in New York in recognition of his great career in tennis.he is a one-of-a-kind sportsman and deserves this honor.

Thank you.

Patricia Williamson
13 August 2008 - Glendale, CA
Matthew K. Wisinski |
Agreed. No question.
13 August 2008 - Walnut Creek, CA
Jon Loyens
Pete needs a statue.
13 August 2008 - Austin, TX
Jim Yrkoski |
Right now the GOAT, and perhaps Federer is not going to pass him.
13 August 2008 - Warsaw, Poland
Mary A. Kleinhenz |
I am 76, still playing tennis, and Pete has always been my idol for his play and for his composure.
13 August 2008 - Houston, Tx.
Simply the greatest ever to play the beautiful game of tennis! A statue is a perfect way to leave a lasting, lifetime reminder to the world of just how amazingly talented and humble this truest of champions was!
12 August 2008 - Kidderminster, United Kingdom
vanessa marciniak |
a statue of our beloved pete is needed
for real hes most amazing player of history
he deserves it
12 August 2008 - lyon France
Jason Georgiou
Just do it! Like the famous NIKE slogan says just do it and give this amazing tennis player the honouring of a statue that he so rightly deserves!
8 August 2008 - West Midlands, United Kingdom
Stacey Parker |
I believe that Pete is very deserving of the USTA erecting a statue in honor of him at the U.S. Open.
8 August 2008 - Overland Park KS

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