Statue Petition

Petition for a Pete Sampras Statue

To All Pete Sampras Fans,

Pete Sampras, winner of 14 Grand Slams is a tennis legend who needs to be remembered not only by his tennis fans worldwide, but by all who attend the U.S. Open and all who see the Grand Slam on television. For this reason, we believe that a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open would be a wonderful way of giving recognition to his great tennis.

Please sign our petition to send to the USTA asking them to erect a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open in New York in recognition of his many years of great tennis.

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Jason Parker
Go Pete!
13 August 2006 - Kansas City, MO, USA
Mary Patricia |
What better way to show thanks and honor for the greatest tennis player ever? Pete Sampras deserves a statue more than any one. Let's make it happen.
13 August 2006 - Arcadia, CA
Israr Ahmad |
Unequivocally, the best tennis player, ever. It amazes me how easily these "expert" commentators circumvent the fact that he was number 1 for 286 consecutive weeks; the emphasis seems always to be placed on the lack of a French Open title.

A statue in his honor would not only be a tremendous gesture, it is also necessary.
13 August 2006 - London, Ontario
Ann Organisciak |
Pete Sampras is an icon in tennis, the best that has ever played. Throughout his record-breaking career, he demonstrated excellent character and sportsmanship, always behaving courageously when faced with adversity. Although he certainly had years of happiness with his many successes, he also showed what it takes to battle through the difficult times. He is truly a role model to which all players and fans can aspire. Pete Sampras deserves to be recognized at the home of the American grand slam, the US Open. A statue erected in his honor would be a fitting tribute.
13 August 2006 - New York
Glenna Pietzsch |
OOPS! I thought the statue was for Wimbledon where he won so many titles. Oh, well, a statue of Pete anywhere would be a great honor to him
12 August 2006 - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Glenna Pietzsch |
I think it would be a great show of respect to the man who won 7 wimbledons out of 8 - the most for any tennis player, to have a statue of him to stand forever in England. He often said it was his favorite Grand Slam of all of them.

August 12, 2006 Pete's birthday Florida
12 August 2006 - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Rob Tatum |
Pete Sampras is a tennis legend who needs to be remembered not only by his tennis fans worldwide, but by all who attend the U.S. Open and all who see the Grand Slam on television. For this reason, I believe that a statue of Pete at the U.S. Open would be a wonderful way of giving recognition to his great tennis.
12 August 2006 - San Francisco, CA
Emelie |
A statue would be a reminder that from the world of tennis, there once was and always will be a true champion, a living legend, a classy sportsman named Pete Sampras whom children can emulate. He deserves to be honored and remembered.
12 August 2006 - Phils.
Valencia Spooner |
I would like to see a statue of Pete. He is the greatest.
11 August 2006 - Kansas City, MO
Lynn Rogler |
He is the greatest American tennis player to date and could possibly be the greatest champion America will ever have. We should honor him with a statue at America's home of tennis in Flushing Meadows.
11 August 2006 - Massachusetts, USA

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